Farm Blog

Thank you again for braving the blizzard to celebrate, connect with great food, and 'planting an orchard'! Just imagine all those future cherry trees (don't forget to squat:-).
I am so uplifted from all the good vibes, intentions, laughter and seeds shared and planted.

We were able to raise $850.00 in funds! This will go a long way, thank you! Additionally, with all the seeds donated today and from what I've gleaned from others, The women growers in the Sine-Saloum region will be able to plant out a couple hundred row feet/farm. In the past we've planted shared 'demonstration beds' ie since many of the farmers share space/land to grow on we've constructed seeds beds to trial different varieties, plant insectory herbs and flowers and share techniques. From there seeds are harvested and shared forward amongst the individual farmers. So in essence your generosity helped plant teaching/learning/eating/

sharing beds of veggie, herb, and flower goodness!

I will honor my commitment and extend the immense gratitude, generosity that was shared during the workshop with the women farmers in the following ways:

Work with NCBA CLUSA Farmer to Farmer Program to transfer funds and mail seeds.
I'll also email and share highlights, photos forward later this week in celebration of our workshop success.

I am tentatively set to travel there Nov/Dec. or January in 2016.

I also finally remembered the name of third grower group, JUBO (means widespread). If you're interested in learning more about how they got started, here's a link to an interview I did as part of my last Farmer to Farmer adventure in Senegal.

I Will keep you in the loop as the project evolves and thanks again for sharing your generous spirit!

For the chocolate lovers:
Becky Otte, who made the amazing truffles, has more of her chocolate goodness to share and is selling some of her creations just in time for Valentines. if you're interested send her an email:

Also Here is a link to Roots Chocolate website.

For the Fruit Lovers:

I've enclosed a handout of some of the different fruits we grow at our farm as well as a flyer highlighting this season's events at the farm! We'd love to have you venture out and tour the orchard, come visit us (though not nearly as cool as the orchard poses we did during the workshop).

Thank you again for helping me transition from being a butterfly weed seed (ie wind pollinated, not knowing where or how my intentions, projects might stick) to more of an oak or cashew seeds - wherein I can deepen my awareness, provide support in the same place(s) in Senegal for the growers and in my backyard in Wisconsin:-). Here's to planting the seeds of the as yet to be imagined on and off the yoga mat! Wishing you all much abundance.

Happy Mid-winter!

Yours in hardy kiwi,

PS If you are into exploring the planting side as well as enjoying more local fruit creations, we'll be hosting a Local Fruit Tasting May 16, details on our website.


A Different Sort of Spring Ephemeral...Farm Adaptations Amidst Covid - 19

We were not expecting Covid-19 to join the suite of spring ephemerals, but here we are and here's how your Farmers and your Farm are adapting. Please take a moment to pause, digest this letter and with it the latest farm flow and stay healthy and grounded like a perennial - keeping a strong underground root network, with flexible shoots. Here is what to expect at present.

Gratitude! We are so grateful for all the well-wishes, check-in's and creativity that is emerging in our neighborwoods. Thank you! and please stay healthy, be playful and pragmatic.

Farm Menu: At this point our intention is to continue with the growing season as scheduled, and with it our commitment to growing resilience, beauty and abundance for you. As a small CSA we are not concerned about more than 10 people gathering at our drop-site(s). If circumstances require it, we can provide home delivery for a period of time, just please let us know. As your sole laboring farmers, we continue to uphold and ensure all public health and food safety precautions. 

Typical late season CSA share. While our Vegetable CSA shares are sold out, we still have storage and fruit market shares available.

Typical late season CSA share. While our Vegetable CSA shares are sold out, we still have storage and fruit market shares available.

Our vegetable CSA is currently full and we still have a handful of fruit market share and storage CSA share options available. Our current farm menu and sign-up details are below or you can always contact us directly with any questions, sign up over the phone. If you are not ready to commit to a CSA share, though are interested in seasonal bulk vegetables, herbs, fruit and farm products, please contact us and we will keep you in the farm loot loop as items become available.

Understanding: We realize that people's financial circumstances may be affected by what's going on, so more than ever, we appreciate your financial support of our farm! For all of our CSA shares, we are happy to work with you on monthly payment options, though we do need a down payment to ensure your spot and to ensure that we can operate as a small business.

Flower Flexibility: Our Flower menu is evolving this year. We believe being human, means expressing, experiencing, and cultivating beauty. Flowers will continue to be a mainstay on the farm.  If you are interested in a flower bouquet, for your neighbors, the land, or just because, we would love to share flowers with you! We are offering custom bouquets and buckets of blooms on a weekly basis this season beginning June - October available for pick-up on Sundays at our CSA drop sites, and/or for on-farm pick-up. Orders processed on first come, first serve basis. 

While our Brunch n Blooms events are on-hold, we are not holding back on our flower offerings this season and would love to share bountiful blooms with you! Photo by Rob McClure

While our Brunch n Blooms events are on-hold, we are not holding back on our flower offerings this season and would love to share bountiful blooms with you! Photo by Rob McClure

It goes without saying that the present Covid-19 pandemic means

Brunch n Blooms, Farm Events on Hold Until Further Notice

If you already signed up for our June Brunch n Blooms, we will contact you directly. As of now, we are keeping our August 9th Brunch n Blooms event on the calendar, are limiting the event to 10 people and you are welcome to RSVP, though do not need to pay in advance. Thank you for your patience!

Hope: A bright spot at present is our honeybees are so far weathering the winter! Just when we were about to throw in the beekeeping towel, during a recent orchard pruning session, we saw our social insect friends abuzz in their hive. Fingers crossed that honey might be on the menu and we can split, grow the bee yard!

Signing off for now with anticipation of spring emergence, orchard bud breaks, and the ephemeral mojo from the forest floor. We look forward to growing for you in 2020 and beyond. 

Yours in hardiest of kiwi,
Erin & Rob

Farmers Erin & Rob harvesting juneberries. For a sampling of these and other fruits, contact us or sign-up for a fruit market share. Photo by Treasure People Photography

Farmers Erin & Rob harvesting juneberries. For a sampling of these and other fruits, contact us or sign-up for a fruit market share. Photo by Treasure People Photography